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Hawarden Hills Academy opened in 1983 as a research based school that focuses on training children to become students. Starting in the early 1960’s, Dr. Edmonds and fellow researchers examined schools which were deemed to be effective (95% of students at each grade level prepared to succeed at the next grade level). The studies indicated that there are unique characteristics and processes common to all effective schools. These characteristics include a clear school mission, a high expectation for success, allocating a significant amount of classroom time for directed instruction, and maintaining a safe and orderly environment. Hawarden Hills Academy incorporated all the research correlates into our program and developed our own Step-Mod Program to provide advanced instruction in reading and math based on ability, not age. By adhering to the effective school correlates, we are able to continue the classical educational system while embra cing the latest innovations and technology.We have been able to develop a curriculum and school environment based on social science research not bureaucratic or political directives because we are a private school. The Step-Mod Curriculum System was developed here. This system allows children to progress in Reading and Math at a more accelerated pace if they are capable.
